International Taxation

As global markets develop further ties within each other, individuals and companies alike may have interests or economic activities in different parts of the world. Tax obligations are ineludible, but an international coherent legal framework has been developed and tax treaties exist, which give us legal tools to devise a strategy to defend your interests in these matters.

In this context and as the majority of our clients have economic interests in different parts of the world, our Firm has developed the international taxation practice to provide legal advisory regarding OECD tax guidelines, to develop legal strategies according to double taxation treaties Mexico has with different countries and territories, to avoid any issues that may arise from financial international operations with related parties (companies and/or individuals alike).

Some of our services are as follows:

  • Tax analysis and treaty interpretation.
  • Tax legal compliance.
  • Optimization of international businesses between related parties.
  • Advisory involving international tax audits.
  • Transfer pricing between related parties.